This page will convert standard Excel CSV files into an SDR# formatted frequencies.xml.

CONVERT .CSV FILE TO frequencies.xml

All CSV files should be comma delimited with the 7 following fields and no headers. Optional fields after Filter Width will be ignored. Limit, 1000 entries.

There is minimal error checking. This converter assumes you know what you are doing.

It is always recommended to work from backups.

Favorite true, false
Name Displayed Identifier
Group Name User Defined Group(s)
Frequency 0 - 6,000,000
Detector Type NFM, AM, LSB, USB
Shift Shift From Center in Hz
Filter Bandwidth 10 - 250,000
Upload CSV:

The frequencies.xml file can be imported into Excel for editing.

When importing the SDR# frequencies.xml into Excel, you may have extra columns created with /#AGG at the end of the column names. Delete these colums as they are duplicates.

Save as CSV (MS-DOS), otherwise name entries with spaces will not import.

You will be left with columns marked

/MemoryEntry/DetectorType /MemoryEntry/FilterBandwidth /MemoryEntry/Frequency /MemoryEntry/GroupName /MemoryEntry/IsFavourite /MemoryEntry/Name /MemoryEntry/Shift

Your file is now ready for editing. Simply save as .csv, and open with the above converer.

NOTE: Excel uses uppercase for TRUE and FALSE when reading the frequencies.xml. Convert all of these to lowercase, otherwise the frequency manager will fail to load. We'll take care of that when we convert.

A sample CSV can be found HERE.

NOTICE: No error checking of any kind is performed. Use at own risk. No warranty implied. If it breaks stuff, shit happens. Large files may take a bit.

WARNING: Using HTML special characters (&, <, >, ", ') in Name or GroupName will break XML decoding and cause the Frequency Manager plugin to fail to load.