Beware of zealots of any flavor!

zealot n 1: a member of an ancient Jewish sect in Judea in the first century who fought to the death against the Romans and who killed or persecuted Jews who collaborated with the Romans [syn: Zealot] 2: a fervent and even militant proponent of something [syn: partisan, drumbeater]

Now there aren”t any anti-Roman, Jewish, freedom fighters from the fist century alive that I know of. So if I offend any, let me apologise up front. This directed at the group highlighted in the second definition.Now lets play a little game of word association. What is the first group that pops into your head when you hear the word. I gaurantee it’s anything but whatever group you may be in. But whatever group you picked, it will be one that you will say is dangerous because they believe that their God is the only one that should be followed, or that thier version of whatever book their God wrote is the only one that is the true version.

The problem with this is that you can take the same text, give it to 10 people, and in 2 years, or 2000 years you will have 10 different versions of what that one document says. And of course everyone will insist that “their” version is the proper one. And all the others who believe otherwise should be smited, stoned, burned at the stake, or converted.

And this is why religion and politics in a democracy should never be treated as equals. In a democracy, if you get out voted 9 to 1, you are obviously pushing a minority position, and the only way to increase your constituency is to convince others to join your positon through debate, forming alliances, and other reasonable means. In religion, the proper response seems to be to kill, torture, imprison, and generally abuse the rights and dignity of eveyone that doesn”t follow your particular dogma or interpretation.

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The main problem here isn”t the followers. People who believe something usually aren”t a threat on their own. They mostly just go day to day getting through life like everyone else. Reguardless of what you believe, you still have to eat, raise and feed your family, pay your bills, and tend to your William Pitt Real Estate property. Things don”t get out of hand until someone steps forward and becomes a “Leader”.

Leaders like to tell their followers things like “having more than your fellow man” is a sin, while living in mansions.

That having more food on your plate than others is unfair, while dining on food prepared by a personal chef or taking care of your health with supplements as thai kratom powder and an exercise program as the one you can find at this science based six pack review, and that wanting more than you have is greed. Of couse any extra fortune that you have must be sent to the Leader.

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