Quick and dirty conversion of excel .csv files to SDR# frequencies.xml here.
SDR# has changed and matured since this quick start was written. Currently the best way to install SDR# is to download the installer from sdrsharp.com. The install will download all the necessary files for installing and running a full installation of SDR#, plus the ADSB# and adsbhub executables.
Quickstart guide for ADSB#[wpdm_file id=4]
Quickstart guide for ADSB# in Italian
Translation by Roberto Rizzardi[wpdm_file id=7]
Quickstart guide for ADSB# in Spanish
Spanish translation by Santiago Gil
[wpdm_file id=9]
Covers version
As usual, translations appreciated.
Construction guide for a simple ADS-B antenna project.
[wpdm_file id=6]
Construction guide for a simple ADS-B antenna project – Spanish.
Spanish translation by Santiago Gil
[wpdm_file id=10]
Quickstart guides for SDR# by Youssef Touil. www.sdrsharp.com
The SDR# QuickStarts contain illustrations for an older version of SDR#. While the main screen design has changed, the basic information in the QuickStarts is still applicable. All appropriate updates and changes will be in the next version of the QuickStart as soon as the final (until the next revision) SDR# layout is completed.
NOTE: I’ve been asked by several people for translations of the pdf into other languages. If anyone is willing to contribute, I’d gladly post here with due attribution. I’ve been asked for French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Danish, and German. Of course, any language would be welcome.
Open SDRSharpQuickStart.html (New Window)
[wpdm_file id=1]
Spanish translation by Santiago Gil
[wpdm_file id=8]
Italian translations by Roberto Rizzardi
Open SDRSharpGuidaRapida.html (New Window)
[wpdm_file id=2]
8/18/12 – Ver 1.2a Updated html and pdf with format and spelling corrections, and minor content changes. Cleaned up HTML. Note to self, NEVER let Office create a web page from a document! Ever!
Current SDR# version binaries as reported by the SDR# website:
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